Leading, coaching, motivating a successfull home business

Leading, coaching, motivating a successfull home business
LEADING, MOTIVATING AND SEEKING TO BECOME THE LARGEST TEAM OF SUCCESSFUL HOME BASED BUSINESS OWNERS. Don't be afraid to take a big step when one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small steps.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


How can we experience a future of financial and personal freedom to be with our families? Does such an opportunity exist? If so, How do we achieve it. We need to change and transform our thinking. Robert Kiyosaki's one of the wealthiest men in America explains in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. He puts forth clearly that the poor Dad is always holding steadfast to the philosophy and values that he must continue to work hard for others or the company in which he has dedicated his life and give everything he has in hopes that whom he works for will take care of him, never really acquiring anything for himself but the hope that someday he can save enough to retire. These are employees or even small business owner as well that operate by themselves trying to acquire wealth through endless hours of work and investments into a business that may succeed. The philosphy of the rich Dad creates his own business with little money but builds a team of people that have the same values and philosophies, building a residual income that continues to flow and create money for him, as well as creating time and freedom and wealth.  He then goes on to explain that direct selling and networking a team of people with the like philosophy is the only way to create such a business. Where else can you create a business for very little money and work with other in your team to change your values and see your transformation of core values from poor dad to the rich dad. The team philosophy creates a perfect atmosphere to make such changes in your life. There are 2 people in life. Those who say no you cant do it, that is a get rich quick scheme and it cannot be done, your ignorant. Then you have those that say. Go for it, you can do it, make it happen. Well that is what is unique about the rich dad. He surrounds himself with other that know they will succeed and support you every step of the way.
Zig Ziglar said "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want".
That is Dryanteamsuccess, that is Team National, That is the opportunity, that is the rich dad philosophy, that is who we are, that is what we will do. Family,future, freedom.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our deepest fear

It is in everyone of us. The capacity to stop relying on others to determine our success. What is meant by such a statement. We often put that in the hands of everyone else but ourselves. Why? Why, let our employers determine our finacial destiny? Why let others convince us that it can't be done? Why let our past failures limit our opportunity to succeed? Why let the fear of others hinder us?  Marianne Williamson hit the nail right on the head with this quote.  “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” I love the blunt expression when she states, "your playing small doesn't serve the world". It certainly doesn't serve you. It may however serve all those who need us to rely on them to determine our destiny. Stop playing below our potential. Stop making excuses. Stop existing and start living the life we are suppose to live. Change your life while changing others.
We are powerful beyond measure. Build the largest networking team with that attitude and we will do nothing other than succeed at Team National.
God Bless

Friday, July 8, 2011

Why Not?

Why not?
A 40 page spread in the Wall Street Journal has hammered home that question. Why not.
Why not, Multi-level marketing? Why not, Home based business? Why not, direct selling?
As a matter of fact, Direct sales and MLM, is far more able to give more, job security, time and financial freedom than working for any corporation of today. the front page of the 40 page insert starts with these facts.
In 2010, direct selling companies generated over $125 billion in revenue in 150 countries through more than 75 million men and women who are changing live serving other.
This is the story of direct selling. Top business moguls, economic professors, and top MLM leaders speak clearly about the advantages and the success of working for yourself.
Direct selling offers people the skills and tools to create new income opportunities—to venture out on their own as entrepreneurs and grow in confidence versus being consumed by the fear associated with a shrinking job market. “Technology is available to everyone at home and is even better than
what you can get in a large company,” says Pilzer. Mad Money” market guru Jim Cramer recently told his CNBC viewers: “Direct selling has never gotten its due from Wall Street. It’s time we recognize that the direct sales model works, and it works well.” There is little question why financial notables like Cramer, Warren Buffett, Ray Chambers and Suze Orman have touted businesses based on direct selling.
In direct selling, individuals market and sell products and services directly to the consumer,
either through individual contact or group selling, such as the in-home party. Individuals own their
own businesses but still have the support of a parent company. The direct selling model has similarities to the franchising model, another type of popular business ownership. Unlike the franchisee, however, the direct seller is an independent contractor with
complete control over building and conducting the business. Most direct selling companies
advocate a robust ethical code and encourage adherence to ensure optimal relationships among
fellow contractors (business owners) and consumers. The direct selling industry is very democratic,
inviting all segments of the population to participate in business ownership, regardless of income,
education or assets.
So really, the next time somebody says it sounds like one of those pyramid schemes, maybe they should look at the company they are working for and consider who is working for the pyramid scheme.
And yes the question really reamains, Why not?
P.S. Team National was ranked 59th in the world in direct sales in the article.
Be blessed and join the team.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oh where oh where has our personal life gone?

Oh where oh where can it be?  "One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching." I can't explain how my attitude has changed. Consumed daily by the life that is work. I am not of the mindset that we are not responsible for hard work to reach goals and provide for our family. I however have changed my philosophy pertaining to earning the income we need. Does it take perseverence, yes! ambition, yes! goals, yes! motivation, yes! and commitment, yes! Does it take our whole waking life, no! Are we to work harder and expect less, no! Do we meet ever changing goals to benefit only the company we work for, no! Are we to be making more money for the executives and less for ourselves, no! Are we to sacrafice all of our personal life, like family, God, and leisure, no! What is going on? Lets take it back. Lets work for ourselves. Lets change our goals, ambitions, commitments and dedication to working to further our goals to succeed in Life. This is my new philosophy in Life.
God wants us to serve our purpose in life. Our sole purpose is not to work, to survive. or survive work.
It's to raise our families, enjoy all that is around us and see the work of his hands. It's to build frienships and share His story, His plans, His purposes and His ways. We can't possibly do that when all we do is work for our employers ways. Come join us in the freedom, family and future that is Team National.